The love of Christ, Avoiding Rainbow Brownies, and a warning about the Theater’s new musical (Monday Update)

Sermon for 5/19/24

For the Day of Pentecost, Pastor Bramwell preached on John 14:23-24, asking: “To whose word do you listen? Man’s or God’s?” The right answer should be God’s, but too often we listen to man’s words. He relied heavily on a sermon preached by Martin Luther during the Lutheran Reformation

Follow along with Pastor Bramwell as he gathers his initial thoughts on this week’s texts…

Episode 12: Is this lecture about how to talk to sexually confused sinners a poop brownie?

A viewer sent in a troubling (publicly posted) video of a retired LCMS pastor publicly teaching erroneous things about the LGBTQ at a 2024 Michigan District theology conference. In this episode of Truth at All Costs, we review his presentation, learn why his use of words like husband and cisgender are bad, and open the Scriptures to consider whether he has been duped by the world’s lies. Plus, we drop the new Poop Brownie Tacky Tee design.

This Week’s Sign

This resource is not intended to discourage anyone from gathering in person around God’s Word and Sacraments. Matthew 18:20 and Hebrews 10:25 make it clear that God’s Divine Service is meant to be experienced physically with other Christians.

We give thanks to God that these sermons are a blessing to you and pray that if you’re in Humboldt County, you will join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM as God wills. (See the map below for directions.) If you’re not within driving distance of Ferndale CA, we encourage you to use the Church Locator at to find a church near you so you can gather in person with the communion of saints in your area.

One thought on “The love of Christ, Avoiding Rainbow Brownies, and a warning about the Theater’s new musical (Monday Update)

  1. I’m blown away how an LCMS pastor like Rev. Schultz is leading people astray, including his own brother. He is beating the devil’s drum & doing his bidding…🥹


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